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πŸ›„ E-Billing Requirement

  1. HIS need provide 2 Txt file as per below: a) Summary Statement (Convert PDF to text file) b) Itemized Statement (Convert PDF to text file)
  2. Hospital Master Code charges to be provided to PAMB for mapping categorization (MMA Code, Stock ID and description only)
  3. Encryption tools and KeyStore will be provide by PAMB (Need integrate into HIS)
  4. The KeyStore provided by PAMB can’t be changed (file provided)
  5. The password is valid for 90days, upon which it has to be reset/change. Hospital needs to have a tracking plan for this. (Not sure how to reset password or change manually)
  6. Hospital needs to do testing to transfer the txt to PAMB environment , the SIT and UAT testing should be in place before emplacement. (done)

Process Flow for text file submission from hospital to SFTP Folder

For Details Text File, Hospital Portal need to decrypt and push both the Summary and Details file to the folder for Data Analytic processing.
Folder Name : To be provided by PAMB All hospitals will be provided with a different encryption key. Even for hospitals belonging to the same Group. This is to ensure ALL hospitals are not impacted, should 1 of the hospitals' key is misused.

How to auto upload text file to insurance company?

  • PRU will provide login detail as same as billing clerk manual upload Statement. SWK0000 is user name
    "***" replace with your password.

  • Create upload.bat file inside exe folder if you can't found upload.bat within exe folder. Content as below:-

REM Encrypt eBilling folder to enc folder
java -jar pamb-encrypt-utils-1.2.jar -e -b eBilling enc txt.enc

REM upload to SFT by WinSCP
winscp /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open sftp://pruhas.SWK0000:"**"" "put enc/ /PruHAS_UAT/Hospital/SWK0000/inbox" "exit"

REM Delete enc folder after upload.
del /S/Q enc

Note: Can remove PAUSE if don't want pasue upload Windows.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: Press Generate button.

Step 4: Upload windows popup. Please ask user show to IT if got error.